until: Skye Show - Saturday, 3rd August 2024 |
History |
We know the society dates back to at least 1903 and we are carrying out further research. The committee are pleased to have back in their possession a silver medal which is believed to date back to 1903. It was found by one of the members on ebay USA at a Californian coin dealer. After a very careful journey back to Skye we've now photographed it and are keen to see if anyone knows any of the history of this medal and how it came to be in the USA. We'd also like to know of any others that are still in existence. If you know anything about this medal, or have one similar, or any other show or Skye Agricultural Society memorabilia please contact a member of the committee or click the contact us link below. The Skye Agricultural Society committe is pleased to have this medal back in their possession. They believe it dates back to 1903. it is now back on the Isle of Skye. The committee would very much like to know how it came to be in the USA and if there are any other medals like this still in existence on Skye, in the rest of Scotland, or elsewhere in the world. The inscription on the medal has been interpreted (see below) The committe think that it was hallmarked in Birmingham in 1903; and part of its inscription reads INSTD MDCCCCIII – which probably reads “Established 1903” but it is an unusual representation of Roman Numerals as there are four Cs when usually only three are used together. The rest of the inscription includes a Gaelic phrase, “Mar a Chuirear Buainear’ as well as ‘Skye Agricultural Show’. It shows a fine Highland Bull’s head.
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have a translation of the Gaelic on the front of the
medal. Iona MacDonald of Skye gave us the literal
translation which is:-
early work is evidenced in the final product'
added that this should be interpreted as:
reap as you sow'
Thanks to Iona MacDonald of Skye and also to
Maria Pelletta of Skye.
If you have any artefacts
including photographs please contact us using our:
SecurImage eMail Form
Below are a few documents from the Skye Agricultural Society Archives
A few photographs from previous Skye Shows |